• echo

    Where Flavors Speak, Memories Echo.






    The logo for echo expresses the fusion of words and food. We designed “echo” using four circles to represent each letter, symbolizing the opening of a mouth and the act of speaking. “echo” means the reverberation of sound, translated in Chinese as “回音, 回聲, 回響” (huíyīn, huíshēng, huíxiǎng). Its pronunciation combines “a” with “口” (kǒu, meaning “mouth” in Chinese), which also sounds similar to the French “et” (meaning “and”). This is also one of the characters in the chef’s name, and when the character “和” (hé, meaning “harmony”) is deconstructed, it becomes “禾” (grain) and “口” (mouth).


    This logo represents the process of transforming agricultural products into new forms at the bakery. Just as wheat and cocoa are processed into madeleines and chocolate, nature’s blessings are converted into new messages through technique. The chef’s creations are a kind of “voice,” and the customers’ impressions become their “echo.”